These institutions and projects have kindly provided funding for a number of participants, enabling them to come to Berlin and attend EuroSEAS 2019. We are extremely grateful for their support.
Heinrich Böll Stiftung
Advancing Philippine Studies at HU Berlin (PH Studies at HU) is providing financial support to twenty-five Philippine Studies scholars who will participate in EuroSEAS 2019. PH Studies at HU aims to promote Philippine and Filipino/a/x studies at Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin and in Germany. It is funded by a donation offered to the University through the Office of Senator Loren Legarda and the Philippine Embassy in Berlin. The project is implemented with full academic, strategic, and operational control by the University.
Umverteilen! Stiftung für eine, solidarische Welt is sponsoring the round table discussion Responding to Troubling Times: The Urgency of Collaborations Between Academics and Artists.