Reverberations of an Occupation: Indonesian Wartime Connections Between Postwar Societies


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Session 1
Wed 09:00–10:30 Room 1.504



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War in general is a site of encounter between nations, ethnic groups and cultures. World War II— including the early postwar period—was certainly a dynamic period of change and contact in Indonesia. These wartime experiences and interactions certainly affected the lives and activities of many of these individuals after the war. In some cases, this could have been a purely personal influence, but in other cases knowledge, acquaintances and networks from the wartime and early postwar would have been available for professional use. In the case of elites, it is likely to have affected professional interactions and decisions in various areas such as foreign affairs, politics, military policy, and business.

Whether an ethnic Chinese translator for Sukarno in his postwar engagements with Japan, former Peta officers negotiating the cold war international and domestic environments like Col. Zulkifli Lubis, Japanese officers who underwent lengthy postwar trials by Allied courts before returning to Japan like General Hitoshi Imamura, or Indonesian nationalists engaged in postwar negotiations related to reestablishment of relations like Subagio Reksodipuro or Subardjo, the possibility of important wartime influence on a personal or profession level needs to be considered for this new postwar, independent period. This panel seeks to explore the histories of a range of individuals connected by experiences in Indonesia during the 1940s which potentially affected their personal and professional interactions.
