Southeast Asian Studies: Directions, Themes and Collaborations


Round Table

Time & Location

Session 7
Thu 13:30–15:00 Fritz-Reuter-Saal


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In this Roundtable we want to explore where the field of Southeast Asian Studies (SEAS) is heading. Which actions and directions do we need to take to stay relevant in the eyes of those outside our circle? But, perhaps more importantly, what work do we want and feel we need to do to develop SEAS scientifically as well as societally? The panelists will be asked to reflect on this in brief statements after which the audience is invited to join the discussion.

Topics and themes to address could be: Interdisciplinarity and transdisciplinarity; Comparative perspectives within SEA and with other regions; studying governance as a mechanism for societal organization of implementational paths of change; organizing consortia around Sustainable Development Goals such as Climate Change, Biodiversity, Livelihood, Health etc. to ensure thorough reflection from the Social Sciences and Humanities.

It is envisioned that a second Roundtable on this subject will take place at the SEASIA conference in Taipei (December 2019) to further develop and enrich our dicsussions.
