Panels tagged Governance

Governance for Climate Change Adaptation in Southeast Asia: History, Anthropology, and Political Economy
Tom Hoogervorst
Governance to the Local Level: Synergies Between the Social, Economic, and Climate Change Sustainable Development Goals in Southeast Asian CitiesRonald Holzhacker
Health, Policy and Governance: Cases from IndonesiaDicky TahaparySikko Visscher
Legal Pluralism and Challenges for Family Law GovernanceStijn Cornelis van HuisTheresia Dyah Wirastri
Social Protection: Understanding the New Politics and Practices of Distribution in South East AsiaGerben NooteboomJohn McCarthy
The Gender of Labor in Privatizing VietnamAnn Marie LeshkowichMinh Nguyen
The Government Intermediary: The Role of Middlemen and Socio-Cultural Brokers in Past and Present Southeast Asia, ca. 1800–2000Bernard KeoMaarten Manse
The Liberal State and Its Discontents in Southeast AsiaTomas Larsson
The Politics and Governance of Palm Oil Expansion in Southeast AsiaWard Berenschot
Understanding the Emergence of Political Villagers and State’s Counteraction in Northeast ThailandWataru Fujita
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